The artist Andrey Remnev

The unplaiting of the hair

Author's replica of the painting of 1997
1. Canvas, 100x100 cm
2. Drawing egg tempera
3. Disclosure of color and tonal organization of the canvas, stage 1
4. Disclosure of color and tonal organization of the canvas, stage 2
5. Disclosure of color and tonal organization of the canvas, stage 3
6. Disclosure of color and tonal organization of the canvas, stage 4
7. Finalization of the tonal structure of the picture, the work of the so-called "dead" colors (grizal)
8. Start of modeling forms by color
9. Work on the graphic textures (patterns) — 1
10. Work on the graphic textures (patterns) — 2
11. Work on the graphic textures (patterns) — 3
12. The final stage of work. Generalization of color and finish modeling of oil paints. Varnishing.